Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Your smartphone could be causing your neck pain

Your smartphone could be causing your neck pain

Do you ever ask yourself why your neck is so stiff, or why you have that nagging headache that doesn’t seem to want to go away? Neck pain is a common complaint for Canadians that can range from mildly inconvenient to completely debilitating. You’re probably aware that poor posture, hunching over a computer, or falling asleep on the sofa can cause your neck pain. But did you know your smartphone might be to blame?

How prolonged use can cause strain

According to a recent poll by Forum Research, more than a quarter of Canadians use a mobile device at least two hours a day.1 Over the span of a week, that’s 14 hours spent texting, calling and swiping.

So what exactly is happening to your neck while you’re staring at your smartphone? It all has to do with the angle of your head. When you’re sitting or standing in a neutral position, looking forward, your head weighs between 10-12 lbs. As you begin to tilt your head forward 15 degrees, you put stress on your neck, increasing the pressure to 27 lbs. By the time you angle your head 60 degrees to stare at your smartphone, the pressure equates to a whopping 60 lbs. That’s a lot of strain on your neck and spine!

Tips to relieve pain

What can you do to protect your spine and relieve neck pain? We know you can’t completely disconnect from your smartphones – many of us use our devices for work, to stay connected with distant friends and family, and as a source of entertainment after a long day. But there are small changes you can make to reduce the strain over time.

Dr. Sean Lamasz, DC, recommends the following tips to manage “Text Neck:”2

  1. Lift your phone up to eye level

“A simple way to help prevent neck pain associated with these devices is to avoid bending your neck forward,” advises Dr. Lamasz. “Looking at your phone while sitting at your desk? Lean on your elbows, bringing your phone to eye level, allowing you to keep your neck in its neutral position.”

  1. Take a break

Dr. Lamasz suggests implementing the 20-20-20 rule. For every 20 minutes on your mobile device, take a 20-second break and look 20 feet ahead, which will neutralize your spine.

  1. Stretch it out

If you’re looking for something you can do to instantly relieve neck pain, try these eight simple stretches:

Illustration of a woman performing 8 neck stretches


Your chiropractor can help

These stretches are often best practiced in combination with manual therapy. Your chiropractor will recommend a course of treatment specific to you which may include spinal adjustments, joint mobilization, muscle release techniques, muscle stimulation, therapeutic exercises, and lifestyle advice.

1Powers, Neil. “Half of Young Canadian Adults Spend Two or More Hours per Day on Their Cellphones.” Financial Post, 26 Feb. 2018,
2Lamasz, Sean. “8 Easy Stretches to Manage ‘Text Neck.’” Dr. Sean Lamasz, Dr. Sean Lamasz, 14 Feb. 2019,

The post Your smartphone could be causing your neck pain appeared first on Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) - Association chiropratique canadienne.

Your smartphone could be causing your neck pain was first seen on AmericanChiro

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Monday, February 25, 2019

Avoiding Back Pain while Shoveling and stretches for when you are done.

Full Up Your Cup

If you are the type of person who gives until their cup is empty, this is the video for you. We want you to be able to give back to others, but first you need to invest in your health.


The post Full Up Your Cup appeared first on TrueVine Chiro.

Full Up Your Cup was originally seen on AmericanChiro

from American Chiropractors Directory - Feed

Friday, February 15, 2019

What to Expect From Your First Chiropractic Visit

What to Expect From Your First Chiropractic Visit

Originally published: April 2016

It is common to have questions and even trepidations before your first visit to any new healthcare provider. Luckily, chiropractors know that new patients may need extra time to discuss their questions or concerns. You can play a role in your own chiropractic care before your first visit. An effective way to be involved in your own healthcare is to learn about what you can expect from visit #1.

Duration of visit

Depending on the injury or condition for which you are being treated, initial visits can last from 45 to 60 minutes. Subsequent visits will likely be shorter, but the first visit aims to start building the therapeutic relationship, identifying the cause of the problem and discussing a proposed plan of management. As MSK experts, chiropractors are extensively trained to assess, diagnose, manage and prevent reoccurrence of MSK conditions while specifically addressing your needs and goals. Make sure you communicate your needs and goals to your chiropractor.

Health history

As mentioned, your first appointment includes a comprehensive assessment to help determine the cause of the problem and how to treat it. To do so, expect that the history-taking portion of the visit may include questions about the following areas of your health1:

  • Personal and family medical history
  • Major illnesses you have experienced
  • Surgeries or operations you have had
  • Medications you are taking
  • A description of your area(s) of concern
  • A description of the general state of your health
  • The steps you have taken to manage your condition
  • Your diet and exercise
  • Your sleeping habits
  • Your daily activities
  • Your work routine
  • Your stress level
  • Your home life

Typically, patients can expect a chiropractor to go through a more diagnostic process during the initial visit. However, this may be different from person to person depending on the nature of the injury and personal history.

Maximizing the benefits

Building a therapeutic relationship with a new practitioner can take some time, but investing in good communication at the outset can help you maximize the benefit of your chiropractic treatment. Your chiropractor will be happy to answer questions, address concerns and explain different options to you. This may include preventative strategies and changes in lifestyle practices.

After the appointment

You may feel some slight discomfort or fatigue after your visit, but it should resolve quickly. After your visit, if you have additional questions or concerns, simply contact the office or write them down to be discussed at a subsequent visit.


1BC Chiropractic Association – First Visit (

The post What to Expect From Your First Chiropractic Visit appeared first on Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) - Association chiropratique canadienne.

What to Expect From Your First Chiropractic Visit is available on ACC Blog

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